Deadline: 15 March 2012
Femspec, an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to challenging gender through speculative means in any genre, announces a call for material on women, myth, and art.
Do you use myth in your creative writing in any genre, or art? Do you write about women artists and writers who do so? Do you critique or contribute to the growing body of feminist myth scholarship exploring what the ancient mythic archetypes such as these can contribute to women in the modern world?
Who made those images? What is the relationship between powerful goddess archetypes and the lives of women in the cultures that produced and worshipped them?
We are looking for publishable critical and creative material that explores women’s reclamation of myth from our own and other cultures, plus the creation and use of new myth.
See for submission procedures. All submitters must subscribe and keep their subscriptions current throughout the submission, review and publication process.
The issue will contain an exclusive interview with Judy Grahn.
We also seek reviews of films, books, and any media including jewelry, popular culture, television shows, and music using myth to challenge the gender stereotypes of today.
All articles must be in MLA style. Authors are responsible for style conversion and copyediting and proofing accepted work. We are a peer-reviewed cross-over journal in numerous data bases and have been in existence for over ten years.
This issue had one submission of a piece of creative writing which we thought might be more appropriate for the motherhood issue, and had one interview submission which is currently being revised, about Asherah by Stacy Mahafer of Empire State College. The women who organized the art exhibit for the Goddess Festival in Fayetteville, Arkansas were invioted to submit, as was Diane Rivers, about the festival, but nothing as come in. So the deadline has been extended. An interview with Judy Grahan has been completed. Other than that, some contacts were made at WisCon, but nothing else has been submitted. So the deadline has been pushed back. Submit, or contact us if you have materials you are considering.